Overview of the project related conference contributions during the 79th annual meeting of the German Geophysical Society (DGG) in Braunschweig:
S4-P.01 (Tue, 05. March, 10:10 – 11:10 a.m.; PK4.2)
Towards operational application of Spectral Induced Polarization for alpine permafrost environments – improvement of data quality
T. Maierhofer, C. Hilbich, C. Hauck, A. Flores-Orozco
GE-2.02 (Thu, 07. March, 11:30 a.m.; PK4.3)
Temperaturabhängigkeit und thermische Hysterese der SIP Eigenschaften von Festgesteinen während kontrollierter Einfrier-Auftau-Zyklen
J. K. Limbrock, A. Kemna, M. Weigand
Additional conference contributions, related to geophysical research in alpine permafrost in collaboration with SPICE-project team members:
S4-2.02 (Tue, 05. March, 11:30 a.m.; SN 20.2)
Quantitative Bildgebung von Permafrostsystemen mittels petrophysikalisch gekoppelter Inversion von seismischen und geoelektrischen Messdaten
F. M. Wagner, C. Mollaret, T. Günther, A. Kemna, C. Hauck
S4-P.05 (Tue, 05. March, 10:10 – 11:10 a.m.; PK4.2)
Assessment of data fusion strategies with regard to an enhanced characterization of alpine permafrost
M. Steiner, F. Wagner, W. Schöner, T. Maierhofer, A. Flores Orozco